Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Academia and Supper

Tuesdays are always interesting days for me. It is on Tuesdays that i have a fully loaded timetable, chock filled with plenty of tutorials and lectures. As such, the passage of time in the day itself occurs very fast, with just a few breaks in between.

I received two of my assignments back today- marks for my Political Science tutorial presentation two weeks ago and my English essay. Rachel's comments on my presentation were interesting, but after looking at my marks i came under the impression that the grade was rather forced. Borderline 65%, that is neither excellent or average. I expected such a grade, considering the topic was rather broad and in a sense, not so much centered on factual, solid information, but more of the interpretation of an idea. The saving grace was my English assignment, which, despite my misgivings and fears, actually came back to me with a HD. This came as a surprise. After listening to my classmates' comments on the essay the week before, i was pretty sure that my interpretation of the essay topic was too linear, too general to actually be worth giving a decent grade to. (i even tried masking the essay with some props) Thankfully it went well.

The rest of my night was spent helping Li Shya with her work. I can see that she really needs help in interpreting her stuff and she kind of lacks the confidence to grab the bull by its horns. It was good, helping her, and in a way, i feel as though i myself have learnt something by helping. Other than, of course, subject matter.

After that we had a pizza party again. Like the few nights last week when Bruce rented the car. The luxury of munching on delicious Broadway pizza every night for supper instead of instant noodles. Pizza that beats Canadian and Pizza Hut flat down.

The stuff from singapore came yesterday. I spent the whole night trying to configure the antivirus software, but i am happy to say that all systems are now at 100 percent capacity and capability. Along with the Norton, came my Nero program and a pack of Korean Kimchi Noodles. Those things are simply the life of me. None of the brands i have tasted here come to within even a fraction of this particular brand's standard. No more lonely nights!

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