Sunday, 10 June 2007

Mambo yo-ah-yo

No smoking in clubs from first july! Wow. The economy must really be booming.

Which is really good. Don't see the point on smoking in clubs anyway.

Are cigs cool?

Or is it the act of puffing out stuff from your mouth?

Say i could like swallow some ice and puff out water vapour too!

I would be cool literally and figuratively!

So i say- distribute ice cubes for smokers to vapourise. Better still...MINT flavoured ice cubes. Or any other flavour for that matter. That way you can be sure of a clean taste whenever you french kiss that stranger. How cool is that?

I should market this- flavoured ice cubes to make urself look cool. A substitute for cigs.

Cant wait to go back and check out smoke free clubs.

Drunken cat prancing to banarama. Yea i could live with that.

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