Friday, 24 August 2007

altruism is dead, benevolence is nonsense, kindness is non existent

big lesson learnt today. kindness is always taken for granted. always.

so much shit all around i cant be bothered with anything anymore.

the only thing i look forward to is table tennis in the evenings, really. the smacking and hitting really helps to remove everything away. going at it like posessed demons for 2 hours after dinner really helps alleviate the situation for at least those 2 hours.

the word friend is over rated. i prefer the word acquaintance or person. or any other label.

dont ever use the word friend to refer to me. dont ever. there are only a handful who i consider to be my friends, a few to whom i extend that liberty to.

whats the point of helping if nothing comes out of it? everything goes back to nothing. the status quo does not change.

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