Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Roger's Story- Part One

Greetings. Let me introduce you to a friend of mine. A personal friend, really.

His name is Roger. Hanyu Pinyin- Chen Cai Ming, ( Tan Chai Beng)

Born in 1992, he was an average achiever in school. He did pick up some things fast, though. He was able to pick up computer literacy early, and by the age of 8, learnt how to use programs such as Explorer and, of course, how to reformat the computer.

Of course, Roger was born in an age where information sped round the globe in the blink of an eye, where he could be connected to his peers in a manner totally unheard of by those a generation behind him. One of his faves was downloading free programs, software and entertainment off the Internet. He was amazed that the Internet held so much information, and its influx of information dazzled him.

On his ninth birthday he recieved a nasty shock. A letter came through the mail for his parents. Turns out he illegally downloaded some episodes of Japanese Animation off the Internet illegally and as a result, legal action was taken against his parents. Of course, they did not that what he was doing as illegal, and settled on paying the 3k fine instead of going to court. At International Plaza, he met Linny, a school mate who happened to also have performed the dastardly deed. They talked, and became fast friends.

His parents never looked at him the same way after this incident.

His computer usage hours were limited, and closely monitored by his parents after the incident. They became paranoid and limited the time he spent on the computer soon afterwards.

End of Part One

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