Monday, 3 September 2007

About blogging

Why do people blog?

Is it beacuse:

1- I want people to hear what i have to say
2- The act of Blogging is cool and happening
3- Blogging lets me post my camwhore pics
4- Blogging let me share my weal and woe with the world
5 -Some other reasons?

I actually wanted to make a list from 1-10 or 20, but i got lazy and stopped at 5.

Truth is, is what we write on our blogs really what we feel? Well i guess it differs from person to person, but the fact that this is a public avenue goes to show that somehow or other, a part of our subconscious acts in a way to 'censor' what we write into a form that is deemed presentable to an audience. Which means, what we write on our blogs are the words we want people to see, to hear, to read. The intention is there. I WANT to he heard. I WANT people to see what lovely pics of my travels there are. I WANT the world to know that i want that camera for my birthday, that i like taking photos of MYSELF, that I love cats, that my day was as exciting as can be.

pretty much a very self centered notion isnt it?

that it is what it is- a reflection on the self. it all boils down to a single word- the self.

you selfish bastards you.

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