................is a spell you can cast on your troops in the online game UTOPIA to make your troops identity remain anonymous.
Which also translates as something that many individuals take for granted, in this age of obscurity, where it is so easy to hide behind a nick or simply a tag of "ANONYMOUS PERSON". or "SOMEONE WHO KNOWS YOU".
Well then, Mr/Ms Anonymous? Since you obviously KNOW ME, which is evident given that you know of my blog's existence, then why not post using your REAL name or nick? Why not be identified? If it is something that you are dissatisfied about why keep your feelings to yourself? Share it with the world! Why am i being ridiculous? Or Biased? Come on! Tell me LEH.
Tsk Tsk
Thats taking things for granted isnt it? Tagging like this and leaving comments on people's blog is basically making a statement, that which simply means you are wanting to attract attention to YOUR action, and you are in essence not accepting about ant possible reprisals to that action. In other words, you are saying that :
1- YOU have a right to post the comment
2- YOU do not want your identity to be found
Which tickles me. Why then, Mr/Ms Mysterious Individual, do you NOT want to be found? Especially if you "KNOW" the blogger? Are you afraid of living up to the responsibility of making such statements out of the blue, without any justification or argument?
As the chinese say- 敢做就敢当. Sheesh man. If you can use the Internet then i am under the assumption that you are at the bare minimum, capable of rational thought and some semblance of responsibility. Why not let us know who you are? Share your opinions wont ya? AWWWWW
You can't. You won't. You are very much satisfied with the level of "security" the internet gives you, isnt it? Please. To me you are just like a small kid nicking sweets from the pick and mix in the supermarket. Sneaky and utterly childish. IF you have the guts to post then have the guts to own up. If not then shut your bloody trap up because nobody needs childish responses and comments about what people's opinions are. Just the kind of individual you are isnt it? Goes to show what kind of upbringing a person has- utterly spineless and gutless. You can't even have the GUTS to express an opinion freely.
I mock your perversion of anonymity. I laugh at your incapability to live as a reasonable human being who dares to live up to the consequence of action and reaction.
Nobody's moral standards are perfect. Who are you to impose your moral standards on others?
Oh i am forgetting. DO you think that you are in a position to impose moral standards on anybody? Come on! Tell the world who you are and we can discuss this. If not you are just another faceless, gutless individual shouting out to be heard in a sea of noise. And nobody is paying attention to you, really.
Dare to post own up la. Pussy. Gutless. Spineless. Bo Ji. Hum ji. Useless.
I think self gratification would be a better way of spending your time instead of such petty trivialities. You sick fuck you.