Saturday, 22 September 2007

Why i dont believe in God

All i will say here is based on my own personal experience. In my opinion this, more than anything, justifies my stance.

I cannot make myself believe in something i have never felt. 6 years in an environment that promotes the religion still is unable to make me convinced that there is someone up there, a soverign God and the whole message that christians preach. I've felt nothing and to me those who profess to be touched during chapel service are doing nothing more than inducing a state of euphoria onto themselves.

It is that simple. Statements like "but ur from FMSS/AC" and "Everybody goes to Church" and "But i dont want you to go to hell" have absolutely no effect on me. I dont subscribe to ur beliefs so why should i care.

To me this religion comes into conflict, DIRECT conflict with my identity. My identity as a Chinese. I have seen so many instances where christians are unable to make the distinction between RESPECT and RELIGION. Please, if your ancestors did not survive the hardships that they endured during the early years do you think you could wear your sunday best and attend those happening cell groups? No. You do not have to subscribe to the practices to Taosim or Buddhism to show respect to ur elders. IF you cannot make that distinction between the 2 R's, then you deserve to be struck by a thunderbolt.

( i have the utmost disdain for "deathbed preachers". theyre nothing but a bunch of losers, pretty much like vultures picking on scraps of carrion. they are utter TRASH. )

I can never understand why this religion is so fixated on the consequences of a fundamental and the afterlife. Is what happens to us when we die any more important than the way we conduct ourselves as people in our lifetimes? Why should this religion talk so much about the consequences of eternal life at the expense of our present actions?

And of course, i cannot subscribe to something that, in my opinion, is nothing more than a selfish, self-propagating ideology that justifies itself as worthy enough to replace ANY belief system an individual subscribes to.

Not to mention conflict- i've lost people dear to me because of religion, and i have had enough. I have seen families break up because of this "invisible friend" that claims power enough to beat down all other "invisible friends".

Is the worship of an invisible friend more important? Or is the way we treat our TANGIBLE friends and family more important? To me its obvious.

That is why i will never subscribe to it. I never will.

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