Monday 15 September 2008


Don't have anything in your life you can't walk away from in an instant.
-Michael Stone

Sometimes i wonder about the various choices i make in my life.

Seems that i keep making wrong choices whatever i do. Nothing seems to have gone right for me since setting down in Michigan. Wait listed for units, stuck in this screwed up housing situation, and missing out on the UWA summer school opportunity due to my absence from school back in Perth.

Its hard to be positive when all this shit piles up in front of you like a never ending story of trouble and problems. It isn't helping when the ones closest to you give you problems as well. I really dont need this nonsense right now. The last thing i want is someone adding on to my problems and thats all thats been happening so far. So what if ive been angry and pissed off at everything? Who wouldnt? Its just my way of dealing with things!

You hold up so much expectations of people that when they fall short you just invariably get dissapointed at what you find. That there truly is no one you can depend on but yourself. Who better to justify your own actions, your own reasons but yourself? Who better to understand the deepest psyches, the faults, the wrongs than looking one's reflection in a mirror?

god damn it

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